Beard Barber

Beard Barber Trim: Checklist of What to Ask

Are you going to get a beard barber to trim your beard?

Let’s say you've been growing your beard, for what, 3 months now?

It’s started to get a bit out of hand.

You go and head over to big G and search something along the lines of “beard barber near me”.

Choose one with a bunch of 5 star reviews - and one genuinely you like the look of.

You head and on down.

It’s all going, well… it’s going - you’re not sure what to ask but they go ahead trimming it up, and you hope they will just have your best interest at heart.

And end up coming out disappointed.

They’ve mess it up with some pointy beard action that has your chin strap more like Jafar from Aladdin than just a genuine clean cut. (This is genuinely my first time heading to a beard barber, and has kept me way for a while - true story).

That’s why we wanted to make this post, so you know that you are dealing with a proper beard barber who genuinely knows how to look after you.

Consider it almost a step by step checklist if you will.

Do you really need a beard trim yet?

We’ve mentioned this a few times already.

But guys who have just grown out there beard.

Get it cut back, way too early.

You’ve grown it for one month and it’s started to look a little scraggly? Course it will man, it’s an awkward stage but getting it trimmed back at this stage is just setting you further back

And it will start to look a straggly again soon.

That’s why we always recommend around a 3 month bracing period. That way, you can really start to see what you are working with.

Will your beard look like a mess? Yes.

But, at least you’ve given your barber a lot to play with to get the beard style you’re after. Whilst you’re at it, you could ask them about general beard care - and that you have been using probably the darn best beard grooming products in the UK. Did they hear of Robin Hood Beard Co.?

Do some ‘proper’ research into a proper beard barber?

All barbers are not created equal, not by a long shot.

Just like with beard grooming products, you are going to come across a wide range of different quality ones.

The following strategy should help you at least find a decent one.

First off.

Use Google reviews it’s a decent start.

The reviews can be manipulated - you get the picture, if you are really out of luck though (on the next step) this is what we recommend going by - that and hopefully, one that carries a bit of a ‘name’ for being decent.

Less Than Zero Barbers if you are Derbyshire/South Yorkshire based or Brik barbershop if you are local to Nottingham, Murdock London or Pall Mall barbers if you are in London.

Better still?

Recommendations of guys with darn good looking beards. Ask them where do they pop down to for a beard trim.

Then do a little bit more investigation, but chances are - if they are doing a good job on your mate’s beard - they are more than likely to do a good job.

Get your beard trimmed just how you want it?

If you are relatively new to the beard game, I always think the best thing to do is to literally bring in a picture of a beard style that you like the look of.

Be realistic though.

You can’t go asking for a longer beard style that you already have - also if you are patchy in areas - a beard trim is clearly not going to work out for you to gain a great big bushy beard.

That said, ask for their opinion too.

Ask them what style they would recommend to go with your face shape?

Your hairstyle?

The amount of beard that you have on offer?

Between you, you’re more likely to end up with something that probably far exceeds your initial expectations before going to the barber.

Enquire about general beard grooming tips too, they might be able to offer some insight to help your beard specifically thrive.

Whilst you’re at it, you could ask them about general beard care - and that you have been using probably the darn best beard grooming products in the UK. Did they hear of Robin Hood Beard Co.?

Bonus tip:

If you like the look and the shape the barber has created, make sure to just regularly go over it.

Made a decent outline of your neck and cheek beard line.

Every week or so, just go over the exact same lines with your trimmer - it will save the extra trips needed to heard to the barber.

Plus, experiment a little yourself. Invest in a decent pair of beard scissors and have a go yourself. You might even want to get into the advanced stuff and state performing beard fading techniques.

After some more beard styling advice?

Are you wanting to get your beard to sit a certain way? Not quite sure where your beard neckline is meant to go? Can’t tell if you have a patchy beard and don’t know quite what to do about it?

Then please get in touch.

We love helping beardy folk out that want to make gains with their beard and feel more comfortable about the facial hair they are rocking.

Literally, just head over to the contact page that we have here for you.

Then let us know what it is that’s bothering you and we will get back to you pronto!

Looking forward to hearing from you bud.

Want to keep your beard looking fresh?

First off, as we recommend just above.

Keep going over the same lines that your barber has made.

Then make sure you are using the right beard products - granted there is a whole range, with different products doing slightly different things.

We realised this and so we wanted to make it dead simple for you.

That’s why we made this little package.

It’s basically a collection of all our best beard products that work together to offer your beard a darn right kickass grooming routine that will help you reach you and your beard’s full potential.

All small price to pay to have your beard thank you.

Let us know how you got on with the beard barber trim -- if you have any questions, please just shoot us across a message. 

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